From the beginning.
Dayton Sewing Collaborative is a micro-manufacturer providing job retraining and community sewing space. I went on a tour of the facility and discovered they also rescued textile waste from businesses and individuals who no longer had use for fabrics passed on by loved ones. The images below show a small sample of their donations. There was a mix of everything from notions to rolls of materials, even an extensive palette full of suede.

Setting goals
Their rescued fabrics ranged from solid colors to various beautiful vintage prints. I wanted to find a way to curate them to sell as maker wardrobe boxes and use the heavier winter textiles to produce simple products.
High schools in the US no longer offer sewing classes, and there is a lack of youth participation at the Sewing Facility. The idea is to inspire the younger generation to create beautiful garments they can love. Packaging curated fabrics with trendy fashion inspirations can appeal to the younger market.

Figuring out how to organize
The donated fabrics contained a mix of random styles and colors reminiscent of fabric stores and online marketplaces like Etsy (picture below). The large volume of fabrics can be overwhelming, and finding a matching color or print can be time-consuming.
There were some beautiful prints individually, but as a whole, they look dated and dull. As a curator and designer, I always seek inspiration, like piecing together a puzzle. I believe the process of finding coordinating materials should be more inspiring.
Resources can be limited when using rescued or upcycled materials, often various colors and styles from various decades. Finding coordinating fabrics is labor-intensive, unlike working with new materials. Textile mills often create a surplus of materials coordinating with the season’s full range of colors and print styles. Designers can easily select from their swatch samples to start a variety of outfits.

Finding inspirations
Beautiful vintage print fabrics were selected and organized by season into coordinated groupings. The image below shows a small sample of vintage prints, from electric to 70s floral and geometric prints.

Fashion follows trends, whether in colors or prints. Companies create fashion forecasts that set color and print trends for every season, and this usually happens up to two years in advance. You can find many online resources by searching for “fashion color or print trends.”
Trends come and go but often repeat, especially vintage styles, as we tend to romanticize things in past decades over recent years' tacky trends.

Connecting the inspirations
Inspiration is all around us; sometimes, it is not visual but from significant world or cultural events. Those can shape ideas and influence designs. Looking outward and considering elements outside your normal range can help you form new ideas.
Pinterest is an excellent resource for finding street-style inspiration and is preferred over runway images. People who are more adventurous with their style wear it with confidence.
Below are some results of how the coordinated pieces used prints in bold ways, following a common color palette: mixing geometrics, florals, and solid colors. Vintage prints can look modern when applied with an updated silhouette.

Learning Design and Color Theories
Using the color palette as a guide to coordinate is very helpful if you follow trends, and finding your inspirations can help bring things together. This process is the basis of a mood or storyboard. Remember that color and design theories should be considered before finalizing designs.
Learning color theory can help you quickly find complementary colors for better design decisions. Once familiar with the rules, you can be as adventurous as possible and eventually create your own rules.

Product ideas from Textile Waste
Inspiration for using winter wool fabrics to create products that only require simple patterns.

Inspiring a community
DSC participates in market events and fundraisers. Some of the inspirational ideas came from the materials available. Time was a factor in determining what type of DIY activity would be suitable for a market. Finding events attracting a younger audience was vital as it helped increase membership.